我正在使用以下图文,,上页上的一些利要素。 我的右翼分子与德莫的分子不同,从一开始就没有固定的高度。 该页数为:
$(function() {
$("#preview-grid li").wookmark({offset: 5});
$(window).resize(function() {
$("#preview-grid li").wookmark({offset: 5});
当我首次装上 Chrome页时,我的利要素在每一栏中相互重叠(即每栏的宽度服从,但每栏中,利要素在纵向上在不同程度上重叠)。 但是,一旦我安装了<代码>$(“#preview-grid li”),我们就看了标识({offset: 5}); on the console after the page has beenload, the li elements un-overlap themselves.
What is the reason for this initial overlapping of my li elements? How does re-executing that line after the page has loaded change anything, considering I originally only executed that after the DOM was loaded.
NOTE:这只是 Chrome(第13版)。 联合国