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Convert Erlang UTF-8 encoded string to java.lang. 努力
原标题:Convert Erlang UTF-8 encoded string to java.lang.String

The Java node received an Erlang string encoded in UTF-8. 其类别为<代码>。 OtpErlangString。 如果我仅作.toString(>.stringValue(>, 由此产生的java.lang.String 无效的代码点(基本上,与埃尔朗的地貌相比,每个星体都被视为不同特性)。

现在,我想在创建Java String时使用new String(bytes, “UTF-8”,但如何从中获取tes。 OtpErlangString?


It s strange you get OtpErlangString on Java side when you use UTF8 characters. I get object of this type if I use ASCII characters only. If I add at least one UTF8 character, the resulting type is OtpErlangList (which is logical as strings are just lists of ints in Erlang) and then I can use its stringValue() method. So that after sending string form Erlang like:

(waco@host)8> {proc, java1@host} ! "ąćśźżęółńa".

On Java node 我收到并印刷了该文件:

OtpErlangList l = (OtpErlangList) mbox.receive();




(waco@wborowiec)11> {proc, java1@wborowiec} ! [{}] ++ "ąćśźżęółńa".


OtpErlangList l = (OtpErlangList) mbox.receive();
// get rid of an extra tuple
OtpErlangObject[] strArr = Arrays.copyOfRange(l.elements(), 1, l.elements().length);
OtpErlangList l2 = new OtpErlangList(strArr);

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