English 中文(简体)
数据发布 元数据 类型
原标题:DataAnnotations MetadataType not working

I m not being able to attach a MetadataType to a auto generated class in our application. I tested setting the Order attribute in the generated class and it works fine, but if try to use another class i cannot get the attributes later.


Generated class

[Table(Name = "T_MKT_Product")]
public partial class T_MKT_Product : GlobalSist.DataAccess.Base.BaseEntity
    [Column(Storage = "_code", DbType = "varchar(20)", IsUnique = true)]
    public virtual string Code
        get { return _code; }
            if (_code != value)
                _code = value;

    [Column(Storage = "_name", DbType = "varchar(200)")]
    public virtual string Name
        get { return _name; }
            if (_name != value)
                _name = value;

    [Column(Storage = "_description", DbType = "varchar(200)", CanBeNull = true)]
    public virtual string Description
        get { return _description; }
            if (_description != value)
                _description = value;


public partial class T_MKT_Product

public class ProductMetaData
    [Display(Order = -1)]
    public virtual string Code { get; set; }

    [Display(Order = -2)]
    public object Name { get; set; }

    [Display(Order = -3)]
    public object Description { get; set; }



Attribute.IsDefined(currentProp, typeof(DisplayAttribute))is still False IT MUST BE FALSE. Probably you are checking the Order with a custom code! The answer to your problem is very easy: your custom code is simply WRONG. Probably it is wrong because you pretend to find the attribute added with the methadata class together with all other "native" attributes of the class. THIS IS WRONG! .Net Clr HAS NO NATIVE SUPPORT FOR MetaDataType Attribute! IT IS JUST A CONVENTION. It is up to you, verifyng that your class has a MetaDataType and retrieving also the attributes of the MetaDataType with the same name of the properties of your original class. I MEAN YOU HAVE TO DO THIS JOB MANUALLY. All Attributes that the Mvc engine handles automatically are handled this way...that is the Mvc Engine look at the attributes of the MetaDataType and merge them with the native attributes...You have to do the same in your custom code.

她说,如果你需要你的属性,就是为了......而不是人工检索你的属性,写的是“MetaDataProvider”。 元数据提供者的逻辑自动检索到所有特性(我解释的方式)。


确保确定您的汽车类别所用的名称空间与你界定其习惯部分类别的名称相同。 例如:

namespace FooBar
    [Table(Name = "T_MKT_Product")]
    public partial class T_MKT_Product : GlobalSist.DataAccess.Base.BaseEntity


namespace FooBar
    public partial class T_MKT_Product

    public class ProductMetaData
        [Display(Order = -1)]
        public virtual string Code { get; set; }

        [Display(Order = -2)]
        public object Name { get; set; }

        [Display(Order = -3)]
        public object Description { get; set; }

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