English 中文(简体)
出入控制和安全: 我是否应该有1个庞大的《京都议定书》条款表格?
原标题:Access control and security: Should I have 1 massive ARTICLES table?


我确信,有一个包含其中所有内容的单一表格对安全是有利的。 然而,我认为我不想再提出一个新表格,列出每一条款。

Is there a better way to model this?


I don t believe that it is appropriate to make the database responsible for this sort of authorization check. The only "users" your database should be aware of are the applications allowed to access it. The business rules governing authenticating users and determining what those users are authorized to access belong within your application(s).

相反,研究现有的授权工具来管理获得你的模式。 例如:

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