English 中文(简体)
是否有这样的东西,例如,为JSW Java服务包商提供的64倍。
原标题:Is there such a thing as a 64-bit .dll for the YAJSW Java service wrapper?

是否有这样的东西,例如,为JSW Java服务包商提供的64倍。 如果是的话,我在哪里发现? 我知道,Tanuki JSW提供了与它所分发的.jar档案相提并论的文件。 因此,我基本上想知道,如果我需要从某个地方下载一次,科索沃青年联盟是否克服了这一限制,我是否打算需要一个红耳机?



I think you are misunderstanding that reference to "w86.dll". I think it is supposed to be an example of some 3rd party application specific DLL. The text is about how to configure YAJSW to deal with such things.

I ve never tried to use YAJSW, but the indications from the documentation is that 64 bit is supported for Windows. It should "just work" if you follow the generic instructions. Have you tried that?



YAJSW distribution comes with what you need to get it running so as long as you are on a supported platform you should be good to go.

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