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原标题:One App Drawing on Another s NSView



是的。 确切地说,rel=“nofollow”>IOSurface framework。 其中一个很好的例子就是狮子的Safari,它有一个与超声望制相分离的放任程序。

http://coadhoc.blogspot.com/2009/09/hidden-gems-of-now-leopard-ioground.html” rel=“nofollow”>here

请注意,如果贵方的口号是“Sand”箱,你可以不使用IPC与你的沙箱子外的 app子通信,但你可以用沙箱内的助器进行通信。



posix_ipc python package equivalent for Windows?

Inter process communication primitives (Semaphores, Shared Memory) in python on windows? posix_ipc works great on linux, anything similar for windows?

passing events from erlang to Clojure

I m looking for a way to pass events back and forth between Clojure and erlang. has someone done this before? how should I encode the (immutable) messages in a flaxable general way? Should IPC be ...

Sockets vs named pipes for local IPC on Windows?

Are there any reasons for favoring named pipes over sockets for local IPC (both using win-api), effectiveness-wize, resource-wize or otherwise, since both behave very much alike (and likely to be ...

transparent process creation for cocoa components

I have an application A which may or may not need to spawn an application B and will communicate with it using remote messaging (via NSConnections etc.). While i know how to do this if B is started ...

Linux Pipes as Input and Output

I would like to do the following inside a C program on a Linux os: Create a PIPE using a syscall (or 2) Execute a new process using exec() Connect the process s STDIN to to the previously created ...

Shared memory vs. Go channel communication

One of Go s slogans is Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating. I am wondering whether Go allows two different Go-compiled binaries running on the same machine to ...

IPC between Python and C#

I want to pass data between a Python and a C# application in Windows (I want the channel to be bi-directional) In fact I wanna pass a struct containing data about a network packet that I ve captured ...
