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ASIHTTP 请求 缩略语
原标题:ASIHTTPRequest / ASIFormDataRequest - referencing request object within blocks under ARC

Very similar to this question, I am trying to convert a project that uses ASIHTTPRequest & ASIFormDataRequest to ARC.


__block  ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:SOME_URL]];    
[request setCompletionBlock:^{   

    if([request responseStatusCode] == 200) ....etc


Capturing request strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle






在使用<代码>ASIHTTPRequest实施另外几个模块之后,我得知,最好在提及你的请求时保留<代码>strong<>。 您可以:

self.request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:SOME_URL]];
__weak ASIFormDataRequest *weakRequest = self.request; // __block directive not needed since we only access the instance s properties. 
[self.request setCompletionBlock:^{   

    if([weakRequest responseStatusCode] == 200)
    // ...

这样,你仍然能够控制<代码>。 甚至在你开始申请之后(例如取消申请)。 您可在以下网址上填写: Self.request = nil;, 当您重新准备发布请求时,可在您的填写栏或内填写。 母体反对清理方法。


如果你重新瞄准第5号行动前,则共同点:使用<代码>unsafe_unretained而不是_we。 之所以如此,是因为考虑到<代码>ASIHTTPRequest.m,各栏号为nil,载于其dealloc((即:应否执行)。 虽然我已经进行过检测,但这样,我们就能够保证仍然能够与乌克兰航天局进行测试。


The only safe way to cancel an ASIHTTPRequest object is to call its clearDelegatesAndCancel method. I ve been bitten by some nasty bugs when I was just using the plain cancel one.


If you re targeting iOS versions before 5.0, that do not include weak support:

__unsafe_unretained __block ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:url];

I ve found this answer to be helpful: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7735770/133875

It says to use __unsafe_unretained as well as __block

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