English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why does this class have two constructors?

我看到这种幻灯片,旨在说明建筑商。 我现在混淆不清,因为它有两个建筑商,在第二个建筑中,他们的工作相同,接受将pa升至零。 为什么编码员需要重复<代码>,即:id = id;这一名称=名称;? 为什么这一类别甚至需要两个建筑商?

class Student{
      private int id;
      private String name;
      private double gpa;
      public Student(int id, String name, double gpa){
        this.id = id;  this.name = name;   this.gpa = gpa;
      public Student(int id, String name){
        this.id = id;  this.name = name;   gpa = 0.0;
      public boolean equals(Student other){
          return id == other.id && name.equals(other.name) 
                       && gpa == other.gpa;
      public String toString(){
        return name + " " + id + " " + gpa;
      public void setName(String name){
        this.name = name;
      public double getGpa(){
        return gpa;

As with most contrived examples, there is often no obvious reason other than to show that the overloading is possible. In this example, I would be tempted to refactor the second constructor like this:

 public Student(int id, String name){
    this( id, name, 0.0 );




the instances of the class / objects that you create invokes constructors at time of creation.. so at that time you could provide 2 or 3 parameters depending upon which constructor you want to use.. if you provide 3 it uses 3 parameter constructor..and 2 parameters then it uses 2 parameter constructor

It is basically the need of sometimes providing gpa or sometimes not.. therefore having initialization of objects with different values..

The constructor is overloaded (same name and return type with different parameters i.e different signature) so that you can initiate an instance of the class in different ways. One with a GPA that you choose and another one with a default GPA 0.0


Student s = new Student(1, "Bob");

Student s = new Student(1, "Bob", 4.0);

如前所述,这被称为建筑商超载。 这类似于超载功能,因为你可以有两种功能,名称相同,但签名不同。

举例来说,不提供《政府采购协议》将其设定为0.0(假定以后会改变)。 可能的情况是,某些未来方法取决于《政府采购协议》的价值,即:界定的<<>>,而这两家建筑商就是这样做的。


Student s = new Student(5,"stud1",4.0);

让我们承担某些班级的升学,在升学的同时,一定要打克帕,那么你的学生目标将是<代码>。 学生=新学生(6,“stud2”);,其中含蓄地将学生格格帕作为ZERO。

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