English 中文(简体)
两个问题涉及EF 4.2和继承的同族关系
原标题:A couple of issues with EF 4.2 and inherited class association properties

我有两个问题,有EF4.2,还有《法典》第一设计办法和基类遗产继承(Table Pertail型)。

(1) 挥发性Api无视基类财产(非不动产)造成EF错误。


class BaseContentElement {

public virtual BaseContentElemnt Parent {get; set;}

public int Id {get;set;}

class ChapterElement : BaseContentElement {

public virtual CourseElement Course { 
    get { return base.Parent as CourseElement; } set {base.Parent = value; } 




var config = new EntityTypeConfiguration<ChapterElement>();

config.Map(m =>
    m.ToTable("Chapter", Schema);

config.HasKet( ch => ch.Id );
config.Ignore( ch => ch.Parent );

造成Id没有出现在<代码>类中的错误的EF 章 次 页 次

但是,如果是的话,我还要加上关于父母财产的数据说明(NotMapped)。 BaseContentElement , EF的发动机是现成的, DB是创建的。

2) 基地阶级协会的不动产到一个调查表中,造成重复关键插入的错误。

public abstract class BaseListItemElement : BaseContentElement, IComparable
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int Index { get; set; }
    public virtual StaticContentBlockElement Item { get; set; }
    public virtual eAnimationDirection AnimeDirectionEnum
            if (AnimeDirection != null)
                return AnimeDirection.EnumValue;

            return eAnimationDirection.None;
            AnimeDirection = AnimationDirection.Lookup[value];
    public virtual AnimationDirection AnimeDirection { get; set; }


public class TextListItem : BaseListItemElement {

In my app I keep a lookup table in memory of all the lookup table values (the app works with the enum eAnimationDirection and the DB is updated with the AnimeDirection property). Before I add the records to the DBContext, I attach the lookup values to the context DbContext.AnimationDirections.Attach(...... for each item in lookup table ......).


If however I move the properties, AnimeDIrection and AnimeDirectionEnum to the sub-class, TextListItemElement, the operations succeed without error...... I have 3 other sub-classes which also share the properties (actually there are two lookup properties on the base class that I share, so it would not be advisable to move the properties to the sub-classes)......

Either this is a bug in EF 4.2 or it may be due to my base class being abstract (Microsoft has a bad history with base abstract classes.......)


这两个问题完全无关,因此不应一并提出。 第二点应该单独提出,并附上显示你如何随附/增加实体的编码样本,因为问题大部分没有解决,你的说明实际上没有说明这一点——真正的可再生守则就是这样做的。

对第一个问题的答复: 是不可能的。 一旦基类的任何部分被绘制成地图,你就不能在衍生类别中忽略。 衍生物类别必须包含在基类中绘制的所有特性。

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