English 中文(简体)
原标题:Interrupting thread which is blocked waiting on IO from socket?

我有一封信,聆听了特定东道国名称和港口的连接。 听取意见时使用以下方法:listen()(见下文),该方法不断等待使用<代码>ServerSocket.accept()的新链接,创建新的<代码>Thread,处理投入流。

private ServerSocket serverSocket;
private Thread listenerThread;

public void listen() throws IOException {
    this.listenerThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            while (true) {
                try {
                    Socket socket = TheServerClass.this.serverSocket.accept();
                    // Create new thread to handle the incoming connection
                catch (IOException exc) { }

Now I want to stop the running of listenerThread. But when I call this.listenerThread.interrupt(), this doesn t work.
I thought you can stop a thread by interrupting it, so why isn t that working?

(Notice: 一种可能的解决办法是使用<代码>ServerSocket 关闭 .serverSocket.close(),但可以用interrupt(或某种方式完成?)


Call serverSocket.close(),

我猜测,因为你没有做综合研究,你无法打断,而且由于<代码>accept() , t。 中断的欺骗,使你打断。 胎面被打断,但你必须检查一下<条码>。

。 我如何打断服务器接收方法?


答案是个问题。 你们需要结束工作。 它使用<代码>serverSocket.close(>.Thread.interrupt(<>/code>)对袖珍进行跟踪。

Use this:

public class MyThread extends Thread {

    private boolean stop;
    private ServerSocket serverSocket;

    public MyThread(ServerSocket ss) {
        this.serverSocket = ss;
        this.stop = false;

    public void setStop() {
        this.stop = true;
        if (this.ss != null) {

    public void run() {
        while (!stop) {
            try {
                Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
                // Create new thread to handle the incoming connection 
            catch (IOException exc) { }


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