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原标题:Coding Social Icons at the end of WP posts


在我的主题下,我如何在每张“口头”员额的末尾用手法和“Twitter icon”写成? 我在一次内部尝试了简单的测试。 php和档案。 php增加了一个200px宽干箱,有红色边界,但可以发现。 我认为,我可以在这些档案中阅读购买力平价,把我的 d子放在错误的空间。

在什么地方,我会把守则放在每一个员额的末尾? 以及其它法律之间的区别?



Open your theme folder (wp-content/themes/THEMENAME/). Depending on your theme setup, your looking for a content.php or a content-post.php. The content files are called depending on whether its a page, post, search, etc. Just go through each content file and echo something at the top until you find that one that pertains to your posts, then you can add your social icons at the bottom of that content file.



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