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原标题:Grails log configuration is hijacking the external log configuration, how to stop it?

I have a web application consisting of severals modules. All the modules are packaged together in one single ear. One of them is a brand new groovy app, while others are more old school. This new grails app is not under my responsibility.
Notice that grails is not using any log4j.[properties|xml] file, but it as its own DSL which interact directly with log4j at runtime. This configuration is located inside a config.groovy script, packaged with the application.

Log4j是利用外部档案和——Dlog4j. 配置联合选举证书方案进行配置的。

The problem is the grail configuration is containing a very liberal config:
- set the root level to info
- add a console appender

The result is that the external configuration is hijacked by grails:
now there are two console appender (logging twice the same info) and lots of useless info data are logged.




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