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引诱(许诺)DOMException: 元件没有佐证来源错误
原标题:Calling .play() creates "Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The element has no supported sources." error

我试图追随Wes Boss savascript30的教导,但当我试图把“Javascript Drumitoki”网站做成时,我无法发挥任何作用。 这里有适当的正确档案,但当我向关键者发出压力,试图发挥声望时,这一错误信息在我检查圣经时出现:

jsdrumkit.html:66 - 失业(许诺): 该元素没有佐证来源。


function playSound(e){
    //querySelector() is just when you need a single return value
    //audio[input] is an attribute selector, and it works just like its CSS counterpart.
    const audio = document.querySelector(`audio[data-key="${e.keyCode}"]`);
    const key = document.querySelector(`.key[data-key="${e.keyCode}"]`);
    if(!audio) return; 
    audio.currentTime = 0; //rewind the file to the start

    audio.play(); //**line 66 in the site s code**
    key.classList.toggle( playing );

function removeTransition(e) {
    if(e.propertyName !==  transform ) return; //skip if it s not a transform
    this.classList.remove( playing );

const keys = document.querySelectorAll( .key );
keys.forEach(key => key.addEventListener( transitionend , removeTransition));
window.addEventListener( keydown , playSound);



Trylyn 。 去年对 Chrome的更新造成了在涉及许诺、部分内容等时使用录音的问题。 Im在寻找解决办法方面工作,但目前已经找到了一种办法:

我在<代码><video> tag in android cordova app上存在类似问题。 几个小时后,即发现问题是由公民保护委员会(Content Security Policy)造成的,但是,关于公民保护委员会的错误信息没有出现在女权组织(只有“无支持来源”错误)。

Adding this to your html file should solve the issue (But modify to fit your needs (especially, if loading some external content, restrict as much as possible to prevent XSS!)):
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src * cdvfile: data: mediastream: blob: filesystem: about: ws: wss: unsafe-eval wasm-unsafe-eval unsafe-inline ; script-src * data: blob: unsafe-inline unsafe-eval ; connect-src * data: blob: unsafe-inline ; img-src * data: blob: unsafe-inline cdvfile: ; frame-src * data: blob: ; style-src * data: blob: unsafe-inline ;font-src * data: blob: unsafe-inline ;frame-ancestors * data: blob: unsafe-inline ; media-src * data: blob: unsafe-inline cdvfile: ">

最重要的部分是:media-src* data: blob:security-inline ,使媒体档案(包括音频)从blob上载:。 缩略语


v.setAttribute( autoplay ,  true ); 
v.addEventListener( play , function(){this.pause()})

(Yes, really réupid Code, but addressed the issue in my case (at mini-based AndersView))

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