English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to fix/debug this particular (and preferably in general) TypeScript compilation error?

I have this TypeScript code (it s dirty, with comments because I decided to leave them to show various approaches I ve tried):

function getPlacesToStopExchange(): {
  our: { i: number; val: number; }[];
  enemy: { i: number; val: number; }[];
  //[party in  our  |  enemy  ]: { i: number; val: number; }[];
} {
  return valuesByMoves.reduce((o, v, i) => {
    if (i === 0 || i % 2) {
      //  //we move
      const el: { i: number; val: number; } = { i, val: v, };
    } else {
    //  o.our.push({ i, val: v, } as { i: number; val: number; }));
    return o;
  }, { enemy: [], our: [], });

第10行:o.enemy.push(el); I m 发现这一错误:

error TS2345: Argument of type  { i: number; val: number; }  is not assignable
to parameter of type  never .

134           o.enemy.push(el);


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 是否有任何人知道如何解决这一问题? 我看到了关于SO的其他问题,实际上说,我必须具体说明发生错误的地点类型,但因为我可以看到我以多种方式尝试了这一问题。

我还试图研究<代码>tsc代码,但没有点名。 因此,我不知道什么地方。

∗∗∗∗∗ 我非常感谢错误。




function getPlacesToStopExchange(): {
  our: { i: number; val: number; }[];
  enemy: { i: number; val: number; }[];
  //[party in  our  |  enemy  ]: { i: number; val: number; }[];
} {
  return valuesByMoves.reduce((o, v, i) => {
    if (i === 0 || i % 2) {
      //  //we move
      const el: { i: number; val: number; } = { i, val: v, };
    } else {
    //  o.our.push({ i, val: v, } as { i: number; val: number; }));
    return o;
  }, { enemy: [], our: [], } as {
    our: { i: number; val: number; }[];
    enemy: { i: number; val: number; }[];
    //[party in  our  |  enemy  ]: { i: number; val: number; }[];

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