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原标题:How do you get multiple arguments in Perl functions?
  • 时间:2012-01-12 07:02:39
  •  标签:
  • perl
  • shift


sub addSix ($$$$$$) {
    my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
    return $a + $b + $c + $d + $e + $f;

print addSix (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) . "



my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = shift (6);


但我找不到这样的东西。 我知道,我可以为此使用阵列,但我认为我仍然不得不把阵列打成单体。 就上述例子而言,这不会太坏,因为6个参数相似,但我更关心这些参数实际上不适合作为阵列的情况。




my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f) = (@_);

If you didn t have that prototype, and if that sub got called with more than six arguments, the ones after the sixth are simply "not matched", $f would be set to the sixth argument.


my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, @others) = (@_);

If your list of scalars is longer than the list on the right side, the last elements will be undef.





use List::Util  sum ;

sub addSix { sum @_[0..5] }


sub addSix {

    my @firstSix = @_[0..5];  # Copy first six elements of @_
    return sum @firstSix;

我认识到这一点是老的,但我想到的是改变多种价值观的更好办法。 这只是一旁之旁......。 主要用于教育目的。

Sure, ($x,$y) = @_,如果你想要保留@_,那么你可能想以某种理由改变你的论据吗? 或许,你希望根据<代码>@中其余论点的数量确定任何额外的替代功能。


sub shiftySub {
    map { $_ = shift } my ($v, $w, $x, $y);
    # @_ now has up to 4 items removed
    if (@_) { ... } # do stuff if arguments remain
  • If 4 arguments are provided, @_ is now empty in the sub scope.
  • If 5 arguments are provided, @_ has 1 item remaining in the sub scope.
  • If 3 arguments are provided, @_ is empty, and $y is undef in the sub scope.

关于https://stackoverflow.com/users/14860/paxdiablo>paxdiablo 理论上的<代码>第(6)条操作者,我们可以建立我们自己的职能,开展这项行动。

sub shifter (@;$) {
    my ( $array, $n ) = ( @_, 1 );
    splice( @$array, 0, $n );

该职能通过实施一个双向原型(这是你本应使用原型的有限原因之一),确保阵列在电话范围上转移。 之后,你只好像这样做了。

my @items = ( one ,  two ,  three ,  four );
my ($x, $y) = shifter(@items, 2);
# or as a replacement for shift
my $z = shifter(@items)
# @items has 1 item remaining in this scope!

当然,你也可以利用<代码>中继器/代码”在您的其他分行内的功能。 如同这种职能一样,我们的主要工作是,你必须跟踪操作员双方的任务数目。

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