English 中文(简体)
原标题:Is it possible to create show/hide on display inline-block without affecting neighboring elements?


当你点击显示/仇恨的环节时,你看到隐藏的文字出现。 我要确定的行为是,它如何把内容的第一和第二行推向上,而不是仅仅推向其存在的母集装箱。


A B         ( <---This is a faux-row, since it s not programmed to be a row)


H _

D has been pushed down and this shouldn t happen. Instead, I want it to be just this:


I know I can fix this using floats, but the reason I don t want to use floats is because these columns need to emulate a table so that, no matter the height of each faux-column module, they line up in the faux-row. It s critical that each faux-row align with each other from the top down, which is why I am also used vertical-align set to top.



I m not 100% sure what you re asking for, but if you have the show/hide content inside of an element that is absolutely positioned, it won t affect the layout.

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.hiddentoggle {
  display:none; // you already had this there
  background: lightBlue;
  left: 0;
  padding: 0 10px 10px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 100%;
  z-index: 1;


Based on your new information, I m curious why you don t want to use floats. I m also curious what you mean by "faux-row".

不管怎样,如果你只想在显示A内容时把C箱倒掉,实现这一点的唯一途径就是把A和C列入一个内容。 这一要素不必浮出,它还将是<代码> :inline-block,但你决定列出这一内容,但你需要做某种“column”的改动,以便你重新研究。

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