English 中文(简体)
原标题:Eclipse compiles correctly but shows error in Problems view


**** Build of configuration Release for project Timertestnew ****

make all 
Building file: ../main.cpp
Invoking: AVR C++ Compiler
avr-g++ -I"G:arduino-1.0hardwarearduinocoresarduino" -DARDUINO=100 -Wall -Os -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fno-exceptions -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000UL -MMD -MP -MF"main.d" -MT"main.d" -c -o "main.o" "../main.cpp"
Finished building: ../main.cpp

Building target: Timertestnew.elf
Invoking: AVR C++ Linker
avr-gcc --cref -s -Os -o"Timertestnew.elf"  ./main.o   -lArduinoCore -lm -Wl,-Map,Timertestnew.map,--cref -L"C:UsersAkhilworkspaceTimertestnew" -mmcu=atmega328p
Finished building target: Timertestnew.elf

Create Flash image (ihex format)
avr-objcopy -R .eeprom -O ihex Timertestnew.elf  "Timertestnew.hex"
Finished building: Timertestnew.hex

Invoking: Print Size
avr-size --format=avr --mcu=atmega328p Timertestnew.elf
AVR Memory Usage
Device: atmega328p

Program:     620 bytes (1.9% Full)
(.text + .data + .bootloader)

Data:          9 bytes (0.4% Full)
(.data + .bss + .noinit)

Finished building: sizedummy

**** Build Finished ****


Description Resource    Path    Location    Type
Symbol  EEARH  could not be resolved    main.cpp    /Timertestnew   line 15 Semantic Error

Is it possible that eclipse ide is mistakenly showing this error while it compiles it fine? How can I fix this?


想从问题的角度删除这一问题标记,并重建你们的项目(当然,而不仅仅是一个渐进式的项目)。 如果这个问题存在,那只是汇编者的一个不一致状况。

然而,如果它不解决问题,那么Eclipse编辑就可能使用不同的名词(内容协助等),无法处理您的编辑能够做的事情。 就本案而言,我想看一下与错误有关的C/C++编辑的偏好,或许可以错开(不过,我没有C/C++方案,因此我无法告诉你什么。


avr-gcc 汇编者使用其-mmcu的指挥线论据,确定IO的头号档案包括(因此,包括EEARH EEPROM高地址登记册正在报告之中)

Eclipse may not be aware of this backdoor preprocessor symbol definition (as it probably is using a different compiler for problem detection). From the console output it looks like the IO header file you need is: avr/iom328p.h which is included when the __AVR_ATmega328P__ preprocessor symbol is defined (see here). If you provide this symbol to Eclipse it should cause its compiler to pick up the correct file and define the relevant registers.

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