i m 采用0mq和php,对连接自由星座单元(VOIP软件开关)具有约束力。
Short: i m loosing Events. Long: The zmq module in Freeswitch is implemented in c++ as publisher. My PHP Code is as follows:
$context = new ZMQContext();
echo "connect to freeswitch zmq module...";
$sub = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB);
$hwm = $sub->getSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_HWM);
echo "ok.hwm: $hwm
echo "looping
while(1) {
$data = $sub->recv();
$d = json_decode($sub->recv(),TRUE);
$event = $d["Event-Name"];
$date = $d["Event-Date-Local"];
$ts = $d["Event-Date-Timestamp"];
$msgnr = $d["ZMQ-Msg-Cnt"];
echo "PHP: $date msg# $msgnr $ts received $event
ZMQ-Msg-Cnt is a sequence number i ve build into the zmq module in freeswitch. I can see that every 2nd message is lost. tcpdump shows that the message is received by zmq.
I ve converted the PHP Code into C and now i m able to receive every message. C:
#include "zhelpers.h"
#include "cJSON.h"
int main (void)
void *context = zmq_init (1);
void *subscriber = zmq_socket (context, ZMQ_SUB);
zmq_connect (subscriber, "tcp://");
zmq_setsockopt (subscriber, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "", 0);
while (1) {
char *string = s_recv (subscriber);
cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(string);
int msgcnt = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"ZMQ-Msg-Cnt")->valueint;
printf("C: %s msg# %s %s received %s
free (string);
zmq_close (subscriber);
zmq_term (context);
return 0;
Is there anything wrong with the PHP Code ? Are there any tricks/must-do/hints for PHP ?
Thanks in advance, gerald weber