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原标题:What NSNumber (Integer 16, 32, 64) in Core Data should I use to keep NSUInteger

I want to keep NSUInteger into my core data and I don t know which type should I use (integer 16, 32, 64) to suit the space needed.

From my understanding:

Integer 16 can have minimum value of -32,768 to 32,767
Integer 32 can have minimum value of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Integer 64 can have minimum value of -very large to very large

and NSUInteger is type def of unsigned long which equal to unsigned int (Types in objective-c on iPhone)

...... 如果我把我的NSUInteger改为NSNumber,编号With UnsignInteger:并把它作为NSNumber(Integer 32) 我可以安全检索我的数据?


really 是否需要整个<代码>NSUInteger? 在SOS,这一数值为32比值,可能非常大。 它将找到一份已签署的64条轨道。

但是,你可能不需要如此精确。 <代码>uint32_t ,即4 294 967 295 (40亿美元)。 如果你第二次加薪一次,就将超过136年的时间达到这一价值。 页: 1

If at all possible, when writing data to disk or across a network, it s best to be explicit about the size of value. Instead of using NSUInteger as the datatype, use uint16_t, uint32_t, or uint64_t depending on the range you need. This then naturally translates to Integer 16, 32, and 64 in Core Data.


  1. You opt to use Integer 64 type to store your value.
  2. On a 64-bit iOS device (eg iPhone 6) it stores the value 5,000,000,000.
  3. On a 32-bit iOS device this value is fetched from the store into an NSUInteger (using NSNumber s unsignedIntegerValue).

现在,由于NSUInteger在32个轨道装置上仅限32个轨道,因此该数字已不超过5 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000美元,因为只有一定比例的限额才能达到50亿。 如果您在步骤3中转换了NUInteger,uint64_t。 这样,价值仍将是50亿美元。



NSManagedObject *object = // create object
object.valueNumber = @(4000000000); // Store 4 billion in an Integer 32 Core Data type
[managedObjectContext save:NULL] // Save value to store

// Later on
NSManagedObject *object = // fetch object from store
uint32_t value = object.valueNumber.unsignedIntegerValue; // value will be 4 billion

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