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用户回答电子邮件信息。 如何从用户电子邮件获取数据?
原标题:user replying to email messages. How can you get data from users email?


Let s say you have a web site with ability to send and recieve messages between users. User recieves an email with notification he has a new message on the software system (doesn t matter in what it is implemented). He can respond to this message by sending a reply via email or by logging into the site and replying to the message using the site.

In case of the first approach if user simply replies to the email notification, how can you (as a developer) know what message (ID) is the reply for? I m thinking the info would be stored in the MIME extensions. Are the MIME extensions transfered to the reply of the message? If yes than the solution could be to see the data of the original message notification for wich the user replyes to. Any ideas? Thank you


唯一一种“可信赖”的方法是,在用户答复的 <>m>sender s Address 上添加这一信息;也可以将其放在电文的主体或内容上,以及用户对电文的“hope”上。 有一个“回答(问答)”头盔,但许多现有的电子邮件客户没有适当打头。

The usual mechanism is something like this: create an eMail alias prefix, and the append a message-id-code fragment to the end; for example, if this was for a purchase order confirmation, you could create an eMail alias handling addresses of the form po-*@example.com, where * is the unique message ID. Then, when you send your message out, you d put the appropriate address in both the From: and Reply To: headers. EG:

From: "Purchase Order Confirmation (#1234)" <[email protected]>
To: "John Doe" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: "Purchase Order Confirmation (#1234)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Confirm your order (#1234)

视您的邮件服务器而定,您应能够界定“散列”特性(通常为-+)。 用于分割电子邮件地址“地方部分”(@)的部分;通常还有另一个机制绘制一份文字的序号,处理特定形式的所有地址。 文字接口往往与地理信息系统网络非常相似,在某些环境变量中发送,并在标准投入中预示信息。 如果你主要是基于网络的,你可能会发现,收集即将到来的电子邮递机的“平台”和<代码>POST将其发送给私人(perhaps http://[::1]/getmailReply)。 这可能有助于你更方便地重复现行法典。

我们已在服务器上建立了<条码>副渔获物-all 电子邮件地址——例如<条码><><><>>><>>>>>>><>>>>><>>>><>>>>>>><>>>>>>><>>>>>>>。 当我们向用户发送电子邮件时,我们把电文和我们在地址上可能需要的任何其他气象信息编码。 视你们的需要,你可以不这样做。 因此,例如,如果用户在>为100的系统中有一个新信息,那么从我们寄给用户的电子邮件地址来看,就会有如下内容:[电子邮箱]a/ 确保你使用的任何格式永远不会在你的邮件服务器上产生真正的电子邮件地址。

So, when the user responds to this message, it will get sent to the catch-all inbox you have set up. From here, you have a number of choices to make on how you process this email. In times past, we wrote a little scheduled service that would run every few minutes and check this inbox for new emails, process them as you like (insert into db, send more emails, whatever), and delete the message since you re done processing it. This is fragile since email clients all have slightly different ways of sending emails and it becomes difficult to parse the variety of client messages out there.

The second way we ve done it is by integrating with http://postmarkapp.com/ - which has an incoming email api that should go public soon (we got in on the beta). You d set everything up the same way only make your server s catch-all address forward to the postmark incoming address you ll set up with Postmark, and then Postmark does the message processing and calls a webhook you also set up to do what you like with the object received.



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