English 中文(简体)
我怎么做。 文本BoxFor Time接受d用户的投入。 MM.y
原标题:How do I make Html.TextBoxFor DateTime accept user input of dd.MM.yy

我试图翻一页,使用户能够搜索文章。 可以选择根据<代码>FromDate和限制查询。 两者均为<代码>Datetime

请用户在<代码>d后填写。 MM.yyy,因为这在我国是正常的。 在提交表格之后,我可以看到《欧洲刑法》中的日期,而且我想到的是。 但问题是,MVC3假设格式为MM.dd.y。 我如何能够改变这种状况?

Some code: This is the Razor code I use

<div class="toDate" >
  <label>til dato</label>
  @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.DateTo, new { placeholder = "dd.mm.yy" })


public DateTime DateTo { set; get; }


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 简言之,我如何使我的MVC3模式接受用户关于表格的日间投入。 MM.yyy

If my question isn t clear enough, let me know and I ll try to clarify.

EDIT: It appears that I need some clarification, so I ll try to do that by making a scenario:

  1. The user enters his search criteria. He sets a DateFrom and a DateTo in two text boxes.
  2. The form is submitted and posted back to the server.
  3. On the server the DateTime object is treated on the form MM.dd.yy. I wish for it to be interpreted as dd.MM.yy.


[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:dd MM yy}")]
pubilc DateTime DateTo { get; set }


Here s a nice tutorial for it: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/gg618485 (It s not as difficulty as it might seem at first, and can be really helpful).




Edit: 如果3nigma ,你的解决办法显然比地雷更可取。

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