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原标题:Real time audio processing in Android

I am using AudioRecord.read to capture PCM data to bytes. However, I found that it restricted to initialize the AudioRecord object with at least 3904 buffers. Where the sampling rate is 44100. Since I need to perform FFT of the data so I increased the samples to 4096. As a result, the callback runs every 40-60ms by setPositionNotificationPeriod to 500. Since a further decrease the duration doesn t make any changes. I m wondoring if it is the fastest callback time with below configuration?



编码:PCM 16 BIT

Buffersize: 4096


even 40-60ms is acceptable, I then perform FFT which eventually block each callback around 200-300ms. And there is still many noise affecting the accuracy. I m using these source code: FFT in Java and Complex class

Is there any other choice that perform fast, reliable and consume less memory processing FFT? I found that the above classes new too much objects and pop up loads of gragarbage collection s messages.


  1. Is the initial bufferSize equal to the buffers that I can read from the .read method?
  2. Is 40-60ms the limitation to capture audio data with 44100 sampling rate?
  3. Could you suggest some FFT library so that I can have a better performance in processing FFT? (I think if it is better to use C code library?)


P.S 我尝试了SOS,它只能采集512个样本,取样率为44100个。 因此,每次退约只剩下10个左右。


Regarding question #3: Maybe not as fast as a native library, but I ve started using these classes, and they seem to be fine for real-time work (although I am reading from files, not the microphone): FFTPack.

最常见的土著图书馆是KissFFT, 您可以找到汇编成文,作为libGDX

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