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val() v. textarea
原标题:val() vs. text() for textarea

我正在使用j Query,并想知道,我是否应当使用阀()或文本(或另一种方法)来读和更新文本的内容。

I have tried both and I ve had issues with both. When I use text() to update textarea, line breaks ( ) don t work. When I use val() to retrieve the textarea content, the text gets truncated if it s too long.



text( Internal use the .textContent (or innerText for IE) methods to have the content of acode><textarea>. 以下测试案例说明了<代码>文本()和.val()之间的关系:

var t =  <textarea> ;
console.log($(t).text( test ).val());             // Prints test
console.log($(t).val( too ).text( test ).val());  // Prints too
console.log($(t).val( too ).text());              // Prints nothing
console.log($(t).text( test ).val( too ).val());  // Prints too

console.log($(t).text( test ).val( too ).text()); // Prints test



, 有时并失败其他时间! 它不可靠(在 Chrome33中测试)


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