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原标题:jQuery on() fails to remove an element

I m doing a dynamic table to collect passengers personal data. This table have above a control to add more rows at the end, every row is a copy of the first one, and that one have as last element a link that I use as a control for deleting that row.




$( .remove ).on("click",function(event){

    newRowNum -= 1;

and here is the live site if you want need to chek it out: http://www.micontrol.cl/~mvargas/wordpress/wp-transatacama/reservas-rapidas/tabladinamica.php


<>code>on( activities are only subject to elements that original in the DOM with its Objecttax. 号文件。 如果你想要把活动交给其他部分,那么你就需要有第二位选择。

    <table id="test">

        <a id="insert">Copy</a>

    <script type="text/javascript">





          $("#test tr").first().clone(true).appendTo("#test");





http://jsfiddle.net/AdS8D/3/>rel=“nofollow> http://jsfiddle.net/AdS8D/3/

http://www.un.org。 添加衣帽功能。



$("#tabdata").on("click", ".remove", function(event){
    newRowNum -= 1;

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