English 中文(简体)
原标题:Testing the behavior of void method


public class UserService {

    private UserDao dao;

    public void addUser(String username, String password) {
        if (username.length() < 8 ) {
            username = username  + "random" ; // add some random string
        User user = new User(username, password);


当用户名长度少于8年,用户名超过8个时,我想测试“替代用户”方法的行为。 如何在单位测试用户服务。 我知道的是用断言(......),但“密码”在添加User(......)方法之外没有。

I use JUnit and Mockito.



设想是观察向用户Dao发送的物体用户。 我们可以通过这样做来检查用户名称的价值,因此单位测试代码:

public class UserServiceTest {
    private UserDao dao;

    private UserService service;

    public void testAddingUserWithLessThan8CharUsername () {
        final String username = "some";
        final String password = "user";
        doAnswer(new Answer<Object>() {
            public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable {
                Object[] args = invocationOnMock.getArguments();
                User toBeSaved = (User) args[0];
                Assert.assertEquals(username + "random", toBeSaved.getPassword());
                return null;
        service.addUser(username, password);

纪尧姆实际上答案最接近,但他用大米回答。 然而,他向我提出了如何做到这一点的想法,因此我认为他也值得一些赞扬。


Use a mocking framework. The example below uses JMock2, but it would be similar with EasyMock, Mockito, etc. Also, you need to extract the username generation to something like UsernameGenmerator to be able to mock it. You need another specific test for the username generator.

private final Mockery mockery = new Mockery();
private final UserDao mockDao = mockery.mock(UserDao.class);
private final UsernameGenerator mockUserNameGenerator = mockery.mock(UsernameGenerator.class);

public void addUserUsesDaoToSaveUser() {
    final String username = "something";
    final String generatedUsername = "siomething else";
    final String password = "a password";
    mockery.checking(new Expectations() {{
        oneOf(mockDao).save(new User(generatedUsername, password)); // assumes your User class has a "natueral" equals/hashcode

    UserService userService = new UserService();
    userService.addUser(username, password);

UsernameGenerator 您需要测试回归用户名称的长度:

public void leavesUsernameUnchangedIfMoreThanEightChars() {
    final String username = "123456789";
    final UsernameGenerator usernameGenerator = new UsernameGenerator();
    assertEquals(username, userGenerator.generateUsername(username));

public void addsCharactersToUsernameIfLessThanEightChars() {
    final String username = "1234567";
    final UsernameGenerator usernameGenerator = new UsernameGenerator();
    assertEquals(8, userGenerator.generateUsername(username).length());

当然,根据你的“统治”方法,你可能要测试自己的具体行为。 除此以外,以上为你的法典提供了充分的覆盖面。

Consider extracting user name generation logic as dependency from UserService.

interface UserNameGenerator {
    Strign generate();

。 并将守则改为:

public class UserService {

    private UserDao dao;
    private UserNameGenerator nameGenerator;

    public void addUser(String username, String password) {
        if (username.length() < 8 ) {
            username = nameGenerator.generate();
        User user = new User(username, password);


其次产生<代码>的违约执行。 用户名称生成逻辑



String username = "123";
String password = "pass";

String generatedName = "random";

// stub generator

// call the method
userService.addUser(username, password);

// verify that generator was called

verify(userDao).save(new User(generatedName, password));


String username = "123456789";
String password = "pass";

String generatedName = "random";

// call the method
userService.addUser(username, password);

// verify that generator was never called
verify(nameGenerator, never()).generate();

verify(userDao).save(new User(username, password));


if (username.length() < 8 ) {
    username = username  + "random" ; // add some random string


public string GetValidUsername(string userName){
    if (username.length() < 8 ) {
        return username  + "random" ; // add some random string
    return username;

with this you can pass different types of username and test the behavior of your code.

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