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原标题:Google web font

在新的项目中,我们决定使用Gooogle Web Font。 这样做非常容易。 但我看到,从监测到监测,甚至浏览器到浏览器,都不同。

How that could be?





耳光的视觉结果受到许多东西的影响。 值得注意的是,显示器具的密度和替代物的提供方式。 不幸的是,辅助器使系统有别于操作系统,从浏览器到浏览器。

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The nearest you get to a consistent appearance is with well-hinted and optimized fonts. But Google doesn t seem to have a way to find only optimized fonts. So your back to testing :-)



In fact, there is never a standard for how to render a font, so even a truetype font, theres always difference browser by browser, system by system, cleartyped or not ....


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