English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to do a search/replace on a file on the fly?


在我创建SAXBuilder之前,我想做的是搜查/替代文件。 我怎么能够记住(不必写到档案中)?


private String xmlFile = "D:\mycomputer\extract.xml";
File myXMLFile = new File(xmlFile);

// REPLACE ALL "<content>" in xmlFile with "<content><![CDATA["
// REPLACE ALL "</content>" with "]]></content>"

SAXBuilder builder =  new SAXBuilder("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");

document = builder.build(new File(myXMLFile));

Read the file into memory, do the search/replace, and use the SAXBuilder(StringReader) method.

You can first read file to string with apache commons io and then change the input source for the SaxBuilder as in the following code snippet:

String fileStr = FileUtils.readFileToString(myXMLFile);
fileStr = fileStr.replaceAll("<content>","<content><![CDATA[");
fileStr = fileStr.replaceAll("</content>","]]></content>");
SAXBuilder builder =  new SAXBuilder("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");
document = builder.build(new ByteArrayInputStream(fileStr.getBytes()));


The string can be passed to SAXBuilder using StringReader:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
loadFIleContent (filePath, sb);
document = builder.build (new StringReader (sb.toString ()));

P.S.: follow up to theglauber s answer:

如果档案确实大(~100Mb),那么将它完全读到记忆中,并将其划入OM树是不切实际的。 在这种情况下,你应考虑使用SAXParser,取代档案。


(我建议 par平和修改XML树或使用XML过滤器,但怀疑你想要做这种扼杀性的替换,因为你的档案内容不正确。)

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