English 中文(简体)
原标题:Last of each class group


<tr class="special">...</tr>
<tr class="special">...</tr> <!-- this one -->
<tr class="special">...</tr>
<tr class="special">...</tr>
<tr class="special">...</tr> <!-- this one -->

我怎么能够把我的安保部中每个特别小组的最后一个目标作为目标? 或者我是否应该改变我的标记? 请注意,任何CSS3海军陆战队员都获准。


There isn t a selector for that, sorry. You ll have to change your markup somehow (easiest by adding a class to the last of each group).


BoltClock所说的是真实的,有点。 如果你有办法取代<代码><tr>...</tr>至</ul> <ul>,你可使用ul tr.special:last-child

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