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Refresh KnockoutJS 数据
原标题:Refresh KnockoutJS Data In DataTables

页: 1

<table class="datatable zebra-striped">
    <tbody data-bind="foreach: Publications">
            <td><span data-bind="text: Name" /></td>
            <td><span data-bind="text: IssueNumber" /></td>
            <td><button type="button" class="btn" data-bind="click: $parent.DeletePublication">Delete</button></td>


function EditReaderViewModel() {
    var self = this;

    self.Publications = ko.observableArray([]);

    self.OnAddPublicationSaveButtonClicked = function () {
        //.. code omitted.    
        self.Publications.push(new Publication(publication.value, publication.label, publication.issueNumber));



function Publication(id, name, issueNumber) {
    var self = this;

    self.Id = id;
    self.Name = name;
    self.IssueNumber = issueNumber;
    self.LoadedFromDatabase = false;


$(".datatable").dataTable({ // blahh iii);

Everything works fine - the data is loaded in the table, sorting and filtering is working, etc.

Now when I add a new item to the Publications array in the viewmodel things just fall apart. For example, say I originally have 1 item in the Publications array, when I add another item, it will appear in the table until I click on a column heading to sort.




http://www.joshbuckley.co.uk/07/knockout-js-datatable- bindings/


Requested unknown parameter 0 from the data source for row 0.


我看着该守则,我认为我看到这个问题。 在j Query.DataTables.js中,有以下功能:_fnGetCellData(oSettings, iRow, iCol, sSpecific >


if ( (sData=oCol.fnGetData( oData )) === undefined )


function _fnGetObjectDataFn( mSource )


    /* Array or flat object mapping */
    return function (data) {
         return data[mSource];

data is not an array, it s a JSON object which means that the above code will fail (return data[mSource];).

I m really not sure what to do here.


As one of the commentators has noticed, and I ve just confirmed, accessing

将会发出“特洛伊”警告。 因此,请了解这艘船现在是一个大的NO-NO。


I know that´s an older thread but since I found it when I had the same problem I feel the need to post the solution so others might find it quicker.

When refreshing the Table you can simple .clear() and then .destroy() the table. After that just reinitialize the table using the already known .DataTable()


You just have to add a boolean identifier you set to true the first time you initialize the table. And of course you have to bind the Table to a variable to be able to work the DataTable API magic on the DOM Element.

    if (managementLoadedDone){


    userTable = $("#userTable").DataTable({responsive: true});
            usersLoaded = true;

You mention that you used datatable plugin and get "Requested unknown parameter 0 from the data source for row 0" error.

In my previous experineces using datatable without knockout plugin i got this error only using more columns than the header definitions or vice versa. You have to check your tbody and thead section and make it sure that both of them is the same size.

或者,在你开始表态时,你可以采用“oColumnDefs”办法。 再次检查了该选项,并确保你有意达到不为人知的一栏:


"aoColumnDefs": [{
         "bSearchable": false,
         "bVisible": false,
         "aTargets": [0]
     }, {
         "bSortable": false,
         "bSearchable": false,
         "sWidth": "45px",
         "aTargets": [2]

如果只有两节,就会给你这个错误。 由于你达到具体目标的第3栏: 页: 1


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9836713/knockoutjs-how-to-use-datatables-with-based-table” Js - how to use datatable with existing limit table,我最后走了一条路,在桌上使用 k时,如果说可以观测到的Array有至少一行数据,我就增加了一个 k。

<!-- if Publications.length() > 0 -->
<table class="datatable zebra-striped">
        <!-- ko foreach: Publications -->
            <td><span data-bind="text: Name" /></td>
            <td><span data-bind="text: IssueNumber" /></td>
        </tr>  <!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->

When loading the View Model, I then called the dataTables function inside my .ajax success function.

Then the other part to making it work was to make use of dataTables "bStateSave": true, so that any sorting I had done prior to a refresh would not be lost.

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