I ve encountered an issue with LinkedIn share API. I am working on a iPhone project, testing my application on iOS 4.0, 5.0. I used this project as an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<comment>83% of employers will use social media to hire: 78% LinkedIn, 55% Facebook, 45% Twitter [SF Biz Times] http://bit.ly/cCpeOD</comment>
<title>Survey: Social networks top hiring tool - San Francisco Business Times</title>
Following advices and examples, I was preparing a JSON string that i was using. So, i got this:
Well, with this data inside, it works like a charm. the update is with image, clickable title and stuff. Perfect.
Then, i tried to put a link(because i really needed in purpose of my project) with a Equal sign in it: "=", like for example we have http://www.google.md/#q=Nicolas+Steno&ct=steno12-hp&oi=ddle&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=8c5a975d815425a&biw=1920&bih=881
Well, if we use this link in submitted-url, and send it, the LinkedIn will receive it, and even will give us a response. But it WONT update to the new status! It s a huge bug for my application, because the share won t work, but more than a half of the shared links will have equal sign in it. It is the third day when i m fighting with it. I was trying different coding functions, different "smarty-pants" moves, but failed.
If anyone has a clue about what is going on here, I will hugely appreciate it...