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与Facebook 图Api合并——没有实时更新的更新机制
原标题:Integration with Facebook Graph Api - update mechanism without Real-Time Updates
  • I m working on a project which uses Facebook Graph Api to download information about users of our application and their Facebook friends. There is a need to update this data, but as I understand Real-Time Update is not an option. For example I would like to have update of profile feed of friends of our app user, and I don t see a way to do this with Real-Time Update.
  • Could someone give me some advice on this update mechanism? I need to update app users, their friend connections and profile feeds of users and their friends. I understand I ll have to poll Facebook servers to retrieve this data. What I m trying to find out is some good practices when doing these things. Update frequency? Way to recognize that data has changed? If anyone has experience with this kind of things every advice would mean a lot.



您可以使用AAP图式电话的电离层参数。 这里有一些假装,帮助你沿途。

var usersLastPostDate = GetLastPostDateFromDataStore(userId);
if(usersLastPostDate not populated) {
   streamItems = GraphApiGet(userId, "me/feed")
   lastStreamItemDate = GetNewestStreamItemDate(streamItems)
   StoreLastPostDateIntoDataStore(userId, lastStreamItemDate )
else {
   streamItems = GraphApiGet(userId, "me/feed?since=" + usersLastPostDate )

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