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采用以下方式执行次路线的回历逻辑: 企图
原标题:implementing retry logic for subroutine using Sub::Attempts
  • 时间:2012-01-13 21:21:54
  •  标签:
  • perl


Sub::Attempts retries once it find the exception (die). For me, I want the sub to retry when sub is returning the false value.



If you want to use Sub::Attempts, just make a subroutine that modifies the one you have to make it die rather than return false:

sub die_on_failure {
    my $name = (caller). :: .shift;
    my $glob = do {no strict  refs ; *$name};

    my $code = &$glob;
    no warnings  redefine ;
    *$glob = sub {
        my $ret = &$code;
        $ret ? $ret : die "$name failed"


die_on_failure  your_sub_name ;


attempts  your_sub_name , ...;
sub retryBeforeFail {
  my $className = shift;
  my $attempt = shift;
  my $max = shift;
  my $success = 0;

  ... main code here ...

  if (!$success && $attempt < $max) {
   return $self->retryBeforeFail($attempt, $max);
  } else {
   return $success;

象你这样的声音需要某种形式。 解决这一问题的一个途径是建立一个简单的“所有已完成”旗帜:

sub foo {
   my $success = undef;
   until ($success) {
       # do something interesting
       redo if $something_failed;
       # do more things here
       ++$success; # if it all worked properly
       # or, exit early on success:
       return $something if $all_is_well;

如果不使用临时车和<代码>until,你还可以使用<代码>goto &subroutine的特殊形式,重新启动以下工作:

sub foo {
   # do something interesting
   if ($something_failed) {
        goto &foo;

The goto &sub form will throw out local lexical variables, and start the subroutine over again, but it is susceptible to any changes you may have made to @_:

sub foo {
   my $x = shift @_;
   if ($x < 5) {
       @_ = ($x + 1);
       goto &foo;
   return $x;

print &foo;

<代码>return &foo(@_)和goto &foo之间的差别在于:goto 版本在打字栏上添加了字体——例如尾再保险优化。


sub retry_before_fail {
  my ( $maxtries , $coderef , @args ) = @_ ;
  while( $maxtries ) {
    # $coderef returns non zero upon success
    if( my $result = $coderef->( @args ) ) {
      return $result ;
    $maxtries-- ;
  # Failure now either return or die
  return ;


sub rpw {
  my $f = shift;
  my $t = shift;
  my $r = &$f(@_);
  while ( fail  eq $r && --$t) {
    $r = &$f(@_);
  return $r;

to call worker functions (not exactly) like

sub s00 {
  my $r = 0.2 > rand() ?  ok  :  fail ;
  print    in s00 =>  , join(  - , @_, $r), "
  return $r;

sub s01 {
  my $r = 0.5 < rand() ?  ok  :  fail ;
  print    in s01 =>  , join(  - , @_, $r), "
  return $r;


  print  from s00 =>  , s00(1, 2, 3), "
  print  from s01 =>  , s01(qw/a b/), "

  print  from rpw =>  , rpw(&s00, 5, 1, 2, 3), "
  print  from rpw =>  , rpw(&s01, 5, qw/a b/), "

产出(而不是 l):

  in s00 => 1-2-3-fail
from s00 => fail
  in s01 => a-b-fail
from s01 => fail
  in s00 => 1-2-3-fail
  in s00 => 1-2-3-fail
  in s00 => 1-2-3-fail
  in s00 => 1-2-3-fail
  in s00 => 1-2-3-fail
from rpw => fail
  in s01 => a-b-fail
  in s01 => a-b-ok
from rpw => ok


  in s00 => 1-2-3-ok
from s00 => ok
  in s01 => a-b-fail
from s01 => fail
  in s00 => 1-2-3-fail
  in s00 => 1-2-3-fail
  in s00 => 1-2-3-fail
  in s00 => 1-2-3-ok
from rpw => ok
  in s01 => a-b-fail
  in s01 => a-b-fail
  in s01 => a-b-ok
from rpw => ok

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