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SPSS Macro: 缩略语
原标题:SPSS Macro: compute by variable name
  • 时间:2012-01-13 21:20:11
  •  标签:
  • macros
  • spss

我不认为SPSS宏观能够回升价值,而不要分配诸如VIXL3 = !getLastAvail Target=VIX=3等值。 我估计,我需要做这样的事情:

/* computes last available entry of target at given level */
define !compLastAvail(name !Tokens(1) /target !Tokens(1) /level !Tokens(1))
   compute tmpid= $casenum.
   dataset copy tmpset1.
   select if not miss(!target).
   compute !name= lag(!target, !level).
   match files /file= * /file= tmpset1 /by tmpid.
   delete variables tmpid.
   dataset close tmpset1.

/* compute last values */

!compLastAvail name="VIXCL3" target=VIXC level=3.

The compute !name = ......is where the problem is.

How should this be done properly? The above returns:

>Error # 4285 in column 9.  Text: VIXCL3
>Incorrect variable name: either the name is more than 64 characters, or it is
>not defined by a previous command.
>Execution of this command stops.

When you pass tokens to the macro, they get interpreted literally. So when you specify



  1. 如果在你执行宏观任务之前,你在<条码>上打上print,你将看到你把脚.传到宏观。 在此情况下,如果你采取这一步骤,你就会看到,这种犯罪是对声明和错误信息的补充。

  2. 有时,你会做什么用引标,如果是的话,则强硬指令! QUOTE和! UNQUOTE是手法。



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