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原标题:failed to find PDF header: %PDF not found

I am trying to download pdf content from webservice endpoint which is coming as binary. After decoding into base64 I am attaching the decoded file to webview, in which failed to find pdf header error is displaying.

是否有任何人知道我如何着手纠正这一错误? 我在此没有采取任何步骤?




NSData *dataContent; // response data.
CFDataRef myPDFData;
myPDFData = (CFDataRef)dataContent;
CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData(myPDFData);

pdfDocument = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider(provider);



或研究如何形成习惯的索姆人民抵抗力量的意见。 页: 1 也就是说,我做些什么,就把pdf文件正确地装到网上。

我在提出我对“......”的看法时有这种错误。 问题是,“人民抵抗力量”在你要求的时候就没有了。 正在退还的双元数据是贵国网络服务局发出的错误答复。 例如,如果我请求在以下网址上填写一份pdf文件:


here is the solution if you use the SAP web service: in SAP System there is a method to convert the binary data (XSTRING) to Base64: cl_http_utility=>encode_x_base64 Using http it is possible to transfer the Base64 data. In xcode I used this library: a link

// 3) Decode Base 64
// Then you can put that back like this
NSData  *b64DecData = [Base64 decode:b64EncStr];

然后:[webDisplayloadData:b64Dec Data MIMEType:@“application/pdf” textEncodingName:@“utf-8” baseURL:nil];

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