design服务器结构设计的最佳方法是什么,能够与惠灵集团的客户方互动,但也能正确回应其他平台的其他客户要求? 具体来说,我要利用同一个电离层对我提出的《全球防止弹道导弹系统条约》申请做出回应,并对相应的《欧空港和安康》应用作出回应。
The first approach I thought of would be to implement the GWT client layer using "RequestBuilder" rather than the usual RPC method service interfaces. Using this approach, I could code generic servlets that respond to HTTP requests in a RESTful manner by processing variables encoded in something like JSON or XML. Although this would work, it would be somewhat labor-intensive to have to encode and decode my objects/parameters in JSON on both the client and server, especially when RPC provided such an elegant solution.
另一种做法(我认为是较好的)是,查明谷歌用途的规格,以便将其无线电通信系统方法的序列化和脱轨化,并实施某种对Si(目标C)和Anden来说同样的东西的图书馆。 问题在于,我已经找到了有关这一编码标准的良好文件,我也找不到一些图书馆来执行这一标准(尽管我确实在www.gwtphp.com上找到了与PHP一样的内容)。