如果你在图像上添加一个集装箱,你可以通过 Java本(或CSS)对图像进行透视:
<span id="img-span"><img src="images/floor_plan_2011_small.png" alt="" usemap="#fp" /></span>
<map name="fp" id="fp">
<area shape="rect" coords="419,264,439,285" href="#" title="Booth 73" alt="Booth 73" />
<area shape="rect" coords="141,366,164,385" href="#" title="Booth 62" alt="Booth 62" />
<area shape="rect" coords="119,385,142,402" href="#" title="Booth 64" alt="Booth 64" />
//cache the span wrapper so it only has to be selected once
var $imgSpan = $( #img-span );
//bind a mouseleave event handler to the image map so when the user moves the cursor away from the image map the overlays will be removed
$( #fp ).on( mouseleave , function () {
$imgSpan.children( .overlay ).remove();
//bind a mouseenter event handler to the image map area tags to create an overlay
}).children( area ).on( mouseenter , function () {
var $this = $(this);
$imgSpan.children( .overlay ).remove()
.prepend( <div class="overlay" style="top: + $this.css( top ) + ; left: + $this.css( left ) + ; width: + $this.css( width ) + ; height: + $this.css( height ) + ;"></div> );
#img-span .overlay {
position : absolute;
opacity : 0.6;
filter : alpha(opacity=60);
z-index : 1000;
is new in jQuery 1.7 and in this case is the same as .bind().
说明:我从未使用过图像地图,因此,我不敢肯定,读到<条码><>>>>>/条码>/条码>。 风格特性是可能的,如果是的话,你只能获得<条码>coordsvide($.attr(coords )