English 中文(简体)
2. 自我面面面面面孔导致绩效问题
原标题:font face causes performance issues


I ve been getting complaints from users that experience a freeze of up to 10 seconds.



    font-family: GillSans ;
    src:url( ../fonts/GIL_____.eot );
    src:url( ../fonts/GIL_____.eot?#iefix ) format( embedded-opentype ),
        url( ../fonts/GIL_____.woff ) format( woff ),
        url( ../fonts/GIL_____.ttf ) format( truetype ),
        url( ../fonts/GIL_____.svg#GillSans ) format( svg );
    font-family: GillSansB ;
    src:url( ../fonts/GILB____.eot );
    src:url( ../fonts/GILB____.eot?#iefix ) format( embedded-opentype ),
        url( ../fonts/GILB____.woff ) format( woff ),
        url( ../fonts/GILB____.ttf ) format( truetype ),
        url( ../fonts/GILB____.svg#GillSansB ) format( svg );
    font-family: GillSansBI ;
    src:url( ../fonts/GILBI___.eot );
    src:url( ../fonts/GILBI___.eot?#iefix ) format( embedded-opentype ),
        url( ../fonts/GILBI___.woff ) format( woff ),
        url( ../fonts/GILBI___.ttf ) format( truetype ),
        url( ../fonts/GILBI___.svg#GillSansBI ) format( svg );
    font-family: GillSansI ;
    src:url( ../fonts/GILI____.eot );
    src:url( ../fonts/GILI____.eot?#iefix ) format( embedded-opentype ),
        url( ../fonts/GILI____.woff ) format( woff ),
        url( ../fonts/GILI____.ttf ) format( truetype ),
        url( ../fonts/GILI____.svg#GillSansI ) format( svg );

T和ach。 如果你使用阿帕奇的话,你可以利用“htaccess”混淆。

http://www.stevesouders.com/blog/2009/10/13/font-face-and- Performance/“rel=“nofollow” Steve Sounders


http://d.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_expires.html 您可以加入以下规则。

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
  Header set cache-control: public
  ExpiresActive on

  ExpiresByType font/ttf      "access plus 1 month"
  ExpiresByType font/woff     "access plus 1 month"
  ExpiresByType image/svg+xml "access plus 1 month"

<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
  <FilesMatch ".(ttf|otf|eot|svg)$" >
    SetOutputFilter DEFLATE


如果你有兴趣学习更多,请查看rel=“nofollow”>和 rel=“nofollow”compression



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