English 中文(简体)
2. 与穆索赫尔的横向采样
原标题:Horizontal Scrolling with Mousewheel

I m using Chris Coyier s method of encapsulating table cells around divs via js to achieve horizontal scrolling http://css-tricks.com/how-to-create-a-horizontally-scrolling-site/ . However, to scroll you had to either have a mouse with horizontal scrolling or hold shift while scrolling.

因此,我使用了这一标题。 允许你随后通过摩西车把这页推上。

但是,在Edrea和Pero(在 Chrome和Sato进行微调)测试时,有相当的滞后/胎。 Iink Brandon Ramadan s mousewheel.js http://brandonaaron.net/code/mousewheel/docs。 这将是一个可行的解决办法,但我不知道在我不识字时如何执行这一gin。


<>Update: 微粒似乎在工作上是细微的,除非它没有放松,任何解决办法? http://jsfiddle.net/694TK/6/

Yet another Update: http://jsbin.com/uwehot/
Mary Lou s circular content carousel*(http://tympanus.net/codrops/2011/08/16/circular-content-carousel/)* at play here.
It works quite well, except that anchor links won t work.


Hm, I don t think so that the table approach is good enough. Try to wrap your paragraphs and set anchor Links to the titles

That anchor links will be the start-stop "marks" for your animation. Each time a user starts to scroll (the event will be triggered by your plugin) the animation starts and ends to the next anchor Look an example

这种伪装利用 but子点击事件引发他的估计。

$( #btn_two ).click(function(){
$( .nav ).fadeOut("fast").fadeIn("slow");
$.scrollTo(this.hash, 1500, { easing: elasout  });

You will use mousewheel event. That s a little violent approach though In order to move smoothly as the user scrolls is to use the easing plugin

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