I ve read Why does codeigniter store its sessiondata in a cookie?
我仍然不明白,为什么规范者需要储存IP、用户代理人和本届会议最后活动。 届会是它应当储存在厨师身上的唯一变量。 我的网络应用将会议数据储存在数据库中,因此这一数据仍然储存在库库里。 此外,是否应当从“SERVER var”的美元中向IP和用户代理人提供密码标签?
Can somebody clarify this? I ve read also CI s documentation over Sessions http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/sessions.html and it says that also my custom session data would be saved in the cookie, but it seems also that this is not the case. Why?