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hibernate: session.load.
原标题:hibernate: session.load

I m 学习是温和的。 进行测试时,我引用了<代码>session.load,其中无效。 在我走过这条路后,我就没有发生任何事情——我预计会收到反对意见。 Than,我宣布Eval(alt+F8),结果:

bookFailedLoad = {rs.hibernateTest.model.Book$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$5dd17391@2088}Method threw  org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException  exception. Cannot evaluate rs.hibernateTest.model.Book$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$5dd17391.toString()
CGLIB$CALLBACK_0 = {org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.cglib.CGLIBLazyInitializer@2094}
isbn = null
name = null
publisher = null
publishDate = null
price = 0
chapters = null

How did hb inform POJO that object is not valid. Please, could someone recommend me an article to help me understand what s happening under the hood before I stock in adventure of debugging hibernate source.


You have to let the debugger run. load throws an exception if the entity is not found. If you look in the material you pasted, you see

Method threw  org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException  exception. Cannot evaluate rs.hibernateTest.model.Book$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$5dd17391.toString()

页: 1

As far as resources are concerned, the Hibernate in Action books is one of the best books I have ever bought. Well worth it if you are going to spend a lot of time with hibernate. Just make sure the version of the book you get is relevant to the version of hibernate you are using.

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