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马达加斯加 仅限<a>标的(和/或替换)
原标题:DOMSubtreeModified Event (and/or replacement) on solely <a> tags?


Basically, I want to know whenever an <a> tag (node) is created/modified so I can quickly scan its .href and see if it matches a pattern I m looking for (if it is, I want to redirect it to run my JS (irrelevant to this) instead of navigating to said link). I need this to be generic (I don t know IDs/divs/anything except that they re <a href>s, and they have a specific URL pattern I m looking for.

我知道,即便如此,这种支持也是零敲碎打的,但现在仅仅被用作 Chrome(Firefox在不久之后,因此我不得不与它一道,因此,现在它应该成为一种oka。

让我知道是否还有其他问题。 感谢!


相反,当联系行动发生时,你可以追捕。 你们所寻求的模式是什么? 它只是一个“选择”权利事项:<a>。 j Query has accreditatione selectors,仅涉及任何场合,即“起步”、“端””、“contains”、“equis”、“等......

$( a[href="http://notHere.com"] ).on( click ,function(event){
    alert("omg don t go there!");


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 根据评论:


$( body ).on( click , a[href="http://notHere.com"] ,function(event){
    alert("omg don t go there!");

这就把点击手放在了<代码><and's>上,并从那里看望点击有关 anchor点。 如果你能够更接近,请上,例如:$(#mainContent



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