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原标题:Generic web camera calibration

我正在建立一个网站,利用计算机视野技术冷却物品,用户使用自己的网络机对视频进行现场记录和上载。 为此,我需要照相机的内在和扭曲参数。 鉴于用户上载的录像,我正试图指出,这是计算这些录像的最佳方法。 我们不能假设录像用户可能装载什么,但合理的假设是,一个人可能出现在录像中。 我仍在这样做的初期阶段,但我很想知道其他人如何解决这一问题。


  • What algorithms, libraries and techniques are available to extract intrinsic and distortion parameters of any generic webcam available in the market? [I say "extract" and not "calibrate" to include cases where intrinsic parameters are just a method call away with no calibration necessary].
  • In general, how much variance have you observed in the intrinsic and distortion parameters in the webcams available in the market? Did you approximate them with a single intrinsic and distortion parameters or what approach did you follow?
  • What camera self-calibration methods, if any, could be employed in these scenarios? Are there any opensource or commercial libraries available which might be of some help?
  • If we aim to calibrate the webcams using the videos user record and upload, what assumptions in the parameters [like fx==fy or no distortion params] makes sense and sounds reasonable to you?
  • Would a reasonable approximation of intrinsic and distortion params for all the cameras make sense? What would be a reasonable approach to validate how good particular intrinsic and distortion parameters are for a specific webcam?
  • Are there any other issues that need to be considered?

有时,我听到坏消息: 我现在就是这样。

几乎你们的所有观点都明确答案是,没有,没有,也没有。 仅就最后一点而言,就其他问题而言,答案不是没有的,而是很长的清单:


最近在开放式消费物价指数的 st化模块中找到了最接近于放弃的校准。 Hovewer说,它并非完美无缺,它不使用随机录像。 把它当作审判。

  1. http://www.vision.caltech.edu/bouguetj/calib_doc/“rel=“nofollow” 摄像机调节工具箱,良好的Matlab执行,提取内在参数和外在参数。

  2. 不仅网络运动之间存在差异,而且:

    • Different modules
    • Different zoom levels (Affects the optics)
  3. 我认为,如果你限制休庭,对录像不作假设,这是一个真正的难题。 如果你不使用已知的东西,例如照相机校正工具箱中的检查板,那么校准和评价就很难。

Many algorithms, including the currently used in opencv requires that known points can be detected (e.g corners in a chess board). You would have to require that your users took pictures of this known patterns, which ruin the concept of random videos. I dont have a solution to this but you might want to consider requiring users to record videos of structures scenes(no specific patterns or objects) and use the algorithm described in: "Camera calibration with lens distortion from low-rank textures" http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5995548&tag=1


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