In IE8 the toggle kinda works but it overlays the content below. It works fine in all the other browsers. I ve been trying for the past 2 hours to fix this but no luck...
$(document).ready(function() {
$( .toggle ).hide();
$( .expand-all ).click(function(){
// switch visibility
$(this).data( is_visible , !$(this).data( is_visible ));
// change the link depending on whether the element is shown or hidden
$(this).html( (!$(this).data( is_visible )) ? Expand all : Hide );
return false;
<div id="categories">
<div class="cat">
<li><a href="">Rice brand 1</a></li>
<li><a href="">Rice brand 2</a></li>
<li class="expand-all">Expand all</li>
<div class="toggle">
<li><a href="">Rice brand 1</a></li>
<li><a href="">Rice brand 1</a></li>
<div class="cat">etc</div>
<div class="cat">etc</div>
<div class="cat">etc</div>