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原标题:Authorize.net PHP Session Variables Being Erased

I am having an issue with transfering PHP session variables after a payment is processed by my payment gateway. I have a payment page hosted on my server which submits to an SSL page to be processed on another domain (authorize.net).

然后,付款门回转一个变量,以表明付款是否成功。 然而,在某些浏览器上,会议变量在域网后不会结转,因此,我可以更新数据库中的用户信息,以反映购买情况。 有什么原因?


You have two options:

  1. http://www.jconde.net/blog/all-about-authorize-nets-silent-post/“rel=“nofollow”>。 暂记员额是授权的。 相当于Palpal s IPN的净当量。 Silent 员额将使你能够从“背景”的每项交易中检索信息,从而可以相应地更新你的数据库。 在PHP中加以实施很容易做到。 (Disapper, I letterbreak articles)

  2. You can pass the session ID as a hidden field to the payment page and then when the user is redirected back to your site you can restart the session by passing it as a parameter to session_id() which will restart the session.



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