English 中文(简体)
文本中的第html号。 Blaze
原标题:Optional html attributes in Text.Blaze
  • 时间:2012-01-14 08:37:41
  •  标签:
  • html
  • haskell

文本Blaze有经营者! 添加属性:

option ! id "bla" ! value "1" ! selected "" $ "Hello!"

My question is how can i make attributes optional ? Right now my code is ugly:

option ! id "bla" ! value "1" ! (if x == val then selected "" else someStupidAttribute "")  $ "Hello!"


EDIT:我接受了hammar的答复。 我设立了助手职能:

(!?) :: Attributable h => h -> (Bool,Attribute) -> h
html !? (True, attr) = html ! attr
html !? _ = html


option ! id "bla" ! value "1" !? ((k == val), selected "") $ "Hello!"


(!?) :: Attributable h => h -> Maybe Attribute -> h
html !? (Just attr) = html ! attr
html !? Nothing = html


option ! id "bla" ! value "1" !? toMaybe (x == val) (selected "") $ "Hello!"

这里,to Maybe只是建造Maybe的有用助手,但如果你愿意,你可以使用其他东西。

toMaybe :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
toMaybe False _ = Nothing
toMaybe True  x = Just x

我对原始条件有利的trick计是使用清单的缩略语;[foo × >将评价为[foo] [ ]。 我们能够调整这一trick子? 确实,具有适用属性清单的助手职能:

element !. options = foldr (!) element options -- (!.) = foldr (!)


option ! id "bla" ! value "1" !. [selected "" | x == val] $ "Hello!"
option !. [id "bla", value "1"] ++ [selected "" | x == val] $ "Hello!"

您可能必须添加“!;您可在格西里使用:i !,以了解您为相互协作而重新努力的工作。


(if x == val then (! selected "") else id) (option ! id "bla" ! value "1") $ "Hello!"


import Data.Monoid (mempty)
option ! id "bla" ! value "1" ! (if x == val then selected "" else mempty) $ "Hello!"

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