English 中文(简体)
页: 1 从日期范围选择每月姓名的表格
原标题:SQL Selecting tables with month names from date range



我想建立存储程序,以便<联合国词汇表><联合国编码>>表>,但这不是问题,因为我可以使用动态的电子数据集加以总结,而我的问题是将月和年限从区域信息网到某种清单? 之后,如果表格存在,将表格整理起来,然后核对。

页: 1


Say I give it a range @FromDate = 2011-10-18 14:16:27.000 and @ToDate = 2012-01-09 14:16:27.000 can someone advise how to extract Month and year.

DECLARE @SqlToExecute as nvarchar(MAX);

using dinamyc SQL is acceptable,It could check for existence of table in while loop and glue to string for each table that exists in range as:

@SqlToExecute +=  SELECT * FROM Posts_  + extractedMonthName +  _  + extractedYear +   UNION ALL  ;

造成这一问题的原因是数据库设计不当。 您需要把所有表格的浏览量放在一个表Posts上,有date的栏目,以指明月份和年份。

查阅表格<代码> 序号_%和从名称中摘取的日期:可使用以下代码:

create table Posts_August_2011(i int)
create table Posts_September_2011(i int)

DECLARE @SqlToExecute varchar(max)
DECLARE @FromDate date =  20110801 , @ToDate date =  20110809 

SELECT  name PostName, CAST(REPLACE(REPLACE(name, Posts_ , 01/ ), _ , / ) as date) PostDate
INTO #Posts
FROM sys.tables
WHERE name like  Posts_% 

SET @SqlToExecute=  

SELECT @SqlToExecute +=  SELECT * FROM   + PostName +   UNION ALL  
FROM #Posts
WHERE PostDate>=@FromDate
      AND PostDate<@ToDate

SELECT SUBSTRING(@SqlToExecute,1, LEN(@SqlToExecute)-10)

DROP TABLE Posts_August_2011
DROP TABLE Posts_September_2011

sys. tables is system catalog view which returns a row for each table object in the current database.





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