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原标题:Ad control "no ad available"

I m trying to create an adcontrol for a wp7 application. I ve set up my account on pubcenter, waited a couple of days so everything is up and running, and tried it. It works fine on the emulator (ads are shown), but on my phone they don t. I ve attached to the error event and I get an "no ad available" exception message.

What could be happening here??

[Edit]:一些额外信息。 当我把“Region格式”定在“地区”和“Region格式”下时,用英文打字的字页。 然而,如果我把它交给西班牙(西班牙——国际Sort)(试图制造一个多区域 app),那么发生错误时就会发生。 这在微软服务器中是否是一种泡沫? 是否有人经历过这一问题?


MS AdControl只是拥有良好的海外存货。 他们没有国际特遣网络。 我确信这一点正在出现。 与此同时,你可以尝试其他交流,如AdMob或MobFox,但我的经验是,在拥有库存时,管理控制会支付最好的费用。


The emulator will show test ads, but when you actually publish your app, if there is nobody willing to pay for an ad (based on whatever criteria), you will get that error.

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