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你们是否知道任何带有许多前提的 j印? 如同人工情报
原标题:do you know any javascript api with many premise handling? like in artificial intelligence

J. 住房可处理实施的活动 观察员设计模式,但只能处理一次追索活动。



Do you know if already exist something like that? If not: do you think it would be nice if i develop?

EDIT: i would like to do something like this:

when((a==b && c!=0), function(){ 
//do something when a==b and c!=0
alert("a==b && c!=0");


我发现了一个伟大的促动体,能够倾听变化。 你必须做这样的事情:

alert("obj changes");



Promises to me。 根据这一概念开发的大多数图书馆(许多位于贾瓦伦的图书馆,包括被挑选的图书馆)只能为某些其他图书馆所完成的活动建立新的宣传。

You can easily do this manually:

var flag1 = false;
var flag2 = false;
var flag3 = false;
var checkAllFlags = function () {
    if (!flag1 || !flag2 || !flag3) return;
    checkAllFlags = function () { };
var allFlagsSet = function () {
    // Execute here when all flags are set

// When you set a flag do it like this:
flag2 = true;


window.flagger = function (count, callback, once) {
    var curr = this;
    curr.callback = callback;
    if (once)
        curr.called = false;
    curr.flags = [];
    curr.flagsLeft = count;
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
        curr.flags[i] = false;

    this.flag = function (index) {
        if (!curr.flags[index]) {
            curr.flags[index] = true;
            if (--curr.flagsLeft <= 0 && (!once || !curr.called)) {
                if (once) curr.called = true;
    this.unflag = function (index) {
        if (curr.flags[index]) {
            curr.flags[index] = false;
    this.reset = function (force) {
        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
            curr.flags[i] = false;
        curr.flagsLeft = count;
        if (once && force)
            curr.called = false;
    this.isFlagged = function (index) {
        return curr.flags[index];


var myFlagger = new flagger(
    /* The amount of flags that need to be set: */8,
    /* The function that needs to be called when the flags are all set: */
    function () { alert( Callback function called ); },
    /* If the callback function should be called again when a flag is unflagged and reflagged.
       Optional. Default: false */false);

// You can now use these functions:
myFlagger.flag(0); // Use this to set a flag, index ranges from 0 to count - 1.
myFlagger.unflag(0); // Unflags an index.
myFlagger.reset(); // Resets all flags to false.
myFlagger.reset(true); // Using this forces the reset, returning to full start
                       // state, causes callback function to be called again
                       // even if  once  is specified.
alert( 0 is flagged:   + myFlagger.isFlagged(1)); // Returns if flag is flagged.


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