在大多数领域,用户与系统做些什么是一样的,但有些事情略有不同。 有些领域需要额外的屏幕或功能或不同的业务规则,但总体而言,它们之间有很大的相似性。
目前,每个领域都有自己的申请,是过去一个领域复制/印制的,并作了修改。 你们可以想象,这并不理想,导致许多重复/重复/工作/工作。
I have considered creating a generic domain that would suit all of these domains. I have worked on applications previously that use this approach and have found that things get so complicated and there are lots of switches required to enable/disable certain functionality. Essentially it ended up that the domain was so generic that it really didn t mean anything to anyone and was incredible hard to customise for specific domains.
如果出现任何差异,则将采用p.net mvc申请作为编号和编号4。