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原标题:Same code takes longer if executed more often?

I ve got the following code inside a <script> tag on a webpage with nothing else on it. I m afraid I do not presently have it online. As you can see, it adds up all primes under two million, in two different ways, and calculates how long it took on average. The variable howOften is used to do this a number of times so you can average it out. What puzzles me is, for howOften == 1, method 2 is faster, but for howOften == 10, method 1 is. The difference is significant and holds even if you hit F5 a couple of times.


(这一员额已经编辑,以纳入现成建议。) 但是,这并没有改变! 我现在非常pu。

(再一次:howOften>> 或1000多处,时间似乎稳定。) 答案似乎正确。

function methodOne(maxN) {
    var sum, primes_inv, i, j;

    sum = 0;
    primes_inv = [];
    for ( var i = 2; i < maxN; ++i ) {
        if ( primes_inv[i] == undefined ) {
            sum += i;
            for ( var j = i; j < maxN; j += i ) {
                primes_inv[j] = true;
    return sum;

function methodTwo(maxN) {
    var i, j, p, sum, ps, n;

    n = ((maxN - 2) / 2);
    sum = n * (n + 2);
    ps = [];
    for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        for(j = i; j <= n; j++) {
            p =  i + j + 2 * i * j;
            if(p <= n) {
                if(ps[p] == undefined) {
                    sum -= p * 2 + 1;
                    ps[p] = true;
            else {
    return sum + 2;

// ---------- parameters
var howOften = 10;
var maxN = 10000;

console.log( iterations:  , howOften);
console.log( maxN:  , maxN);

// ---------- dry runs for warm-up
for( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
    sum = methodOne(maxN);
    sum = methodTwo(maxN);

// ---------- method one
var start = (new Date).getTime();

for( i = 0; i < howOften; i++ )
    sum = methodOne(maxN);

var stop = (new Date).getTime();
console.log( methodOne:  , (stop - start) / howOften);

// ---------- method two

for( i = 0; i < howOften; i++ )
    sum = methodTwo(maxN);

var stop2 = (new Date).getTime();
console.log( methodTwo:  , (stop2 - stop) / howOften);

简而言之,联合材料运行时间是优化的联合技术汇编者。 也就是说,对一行,对您的代码作了解释(tint),然后汇编成册(tjit),最后由您编辑成册(trun)。

现在,你计算得最多的是(tint+t<>subjit+trun)/N。 鉴于几乎靠Ntrun<>run <>/sub>的那部分情况,这一比较令人遗憾地没有意义。

因此,我不知道答案。 找到适当的答案

  1. Extract the code you are trying to profile into functions
  2. Run warm-up cycles on these functions, and do not use timing from the warm-up cycles
  3. Run much more than 1..10 times, both for warm-up and measurement
  4. Try swapping the order in which you measure time for algorithms
  5. Get into JS interpretator internals if you can and make sure you understand what happens: do you really measure what you think you do? Is JIT run during the warm-up cycles and not while you measure? Etc., etc.



方法 有两个简单要求加工商进行较少的计算。 在方法上,你最初的休息时间是最长的。 在计算方法时,你最初的休息时间是执行(最高为1-2倍)。 因此,在第二种方法中,加工商的计算量不到第一种方法的计算量的一半。 每一种方法都含有一种nes状,使情况更加复杂。 因此,方法一大,是最大2。 避孕器具(最大-2)2

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